Saturday, September 4, 2010

Idea #46: Internet Rehab

Technology is taking over the world and it has its positive and negative effects both on individual people and entire communities. One of these effects on individual people is addiction, and especially internet addiction, which has really become a problem with all kind and aged people, but younger users in particular. Just like with alcohol, the overuse of the internet can become harmful and effect both your mental and physical health seriously so due to the massive amount of internet users, there's lots of people in need of internet rehab.

You need to study the subject extensively and then start to develop the idea of starting your own internet rehab service. It's a great business idea and if you're able to become good at it, you're in for a lot of clients and lots of income.

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Friday, September 3, 2010

Idea #45: Diapers

Once again, the increasing amount of people in the world has many effects on our everyday life, one of them being diaper usage. I know it sounds stupid, ridiculous and comical all at the same time but it actually has some truth to it, because as the amount of babies grows, so does the amount of diapers at an equivalent rate. Take advantage of this fact by starting a business that sells re-usable diapers! You might be surprised by the amount of money used on diapers from newly-born to potty-trained as it usually comes together from somewhere like 1500$ to even 3000$. As you develope your business you can start to develope a multi-usable diaper. That would definitely be a wanted product among new parents!

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Idea #44: Speed Dating

There are lots of business ideas on this site which in some way have to do with taking advantage of people's constant rush and stress. It's a good subject because it's a pure fact that keeps getting more and more common and its many dimensions makes it easy to come up with different ideas to do with it. Starting your own speed dating enterprise could, once again, take advantage of this subject because some people are simply too busy to go on normal dates. By meeting many men/woman in a short amount of time makes it easier to meet the "perfect one".

Start off by organizing one meeting in your own community, then as it grows you can hire people to take care of other communities.

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Idea #43: Online Shopping

Online shopping is slowly becoming more and more popular and as it continues to grow, more online shops are started every day. Here's the problem for an everyday-customer: they have to sign up for all of the different web-accounts and make numerous different orders to each of them. One chance for you to make a succesive business in this field is to start a web-store where people can buy products from all other online shops via your site. It's basically like having a retail shop online but it kind of works in the opposite direction; first the customer chooses the product they want and then you go ahead and find the best price online and make the order for them. This makes the shopping experience online much easier and less stressful for the customer.

Remember to check our all the legal facts to do with this business, because they may very between countries and states.

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Idea #42: Mobile Car Repair

More people, more cars. That's how simple it is and we'll just have to live with it. Also, as people are tight on money during the recession, they tend to buy second-hand cars and in general that usually means they're older and more worn out than new ones. This leads to cars breaking down and continuing problems with their endurance. Taking advantage of this business opportunity can be very awarding but there are already lots of car repair shops/garages in business. You need to come up with something completely new and starting a mobile car repair could be just that. It can be very hard to fix cars outside of your garage with a limited availability of tools and machines but you have to figure it out in a way that makes it possible and effective. It's all about making it easier for the customer so going to them instead of them coming to you is a great idea to follow and develope.

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